Our Services
We offer freshly roasted coffee beans in 5 lb. bags, 12 oz. bags, and 4 oz. bags; coffee equipment; and private-label roasting services.
she brews wholesale partnershipsHow It Works
She Brews Wholesale Partners

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to sign a contract?
A: We don’t require a contract; however, depending on the arrangement, support beyond coffee may require a contract.
Q: When will my order roast and ship?
A: Our primary roast days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Orders will be delivered promptly on the desired day specified in your wholesale application or will be shipped out the day after roast.
Q: What’s the best way to place an order?
A: As soon as we establish a partnership, you can email orders directly to us. Click here to sign up for a wholesale partnership.
She Brews Coffee Roasters is a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, and 100% of the proceeds support our mission.